• #382




    Hi there,

    I have created a user – and they have created a campaign that ended today.

    I (logged out user) made a donation to the campaign.

    Admin received the payment and approved it.

    Now the user can see the donation reflected on their side. However, now that the campaign has reached its end date theres no way for me to withdraw my donations. When i click on β€œwithdraw” i can see the donation made but no way for me to receive it. How are users supposed to receive their money? Im perplexed.


    i have made .env on debug.

    Log in using these credentials:
    user: [email protected]
    pass: Campioni4

    You will see this user can see the $1 donation but there’s no way for them to withdraw the money??

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  • #395


    When campaign owner request by clicking withdraw button. Admin will receive that request. And he will approve that withdraw.

    Admin will send money to campaign owner manually.

    Let us see with your user.

    Best regards



    Okay nothing happens when user click on withdraw.

    Also how does admin know where to pay the money. PayPal, bank transfer. Where does the campaign input his details?


    Thank you for noticing us. We will add withdraw request to admin soon in coming version. Please stay with us.

    Best regards



    Can you add option for user to input their PayPal email so admin can pay. I thought o was buying a finished product. I neee to launch this by end of month.



    When will this be fixed??



    We are working on this withdraw system. You will get it coming version which may required 2-3 business days.

    Best regards



    thank you! looking forward to it



    We’ve just submitted another update version by fixing few bugs.

    And added a most attractive module called Withdraw, now campaign owner can request to admin for withdrawing their money after campaign end. Thank you for noticing us about this.

    You can download it right after approving by codecanyon, an email notification you will get.

    Best regards




    I downloaded the files from envat and replaced the following files:
    Replace root/resources/views/admin/dashboard.blade.php
    Replace root/resources/views/admin/payments.blade.php
    Replace root/resources/views/admin/payment_view.blade.php
    Replace root/resources/views/admin/general_settings.blade.php
    Replace root/resources/lang/en/app.php
    Replace root/app/helpers.php

    When campaign owner clicks on ‘withdraw’ in the menu of dashboard, nothing happens? Am i missing something?


    Yes, there are missing, the updated item is not approved till now. You will get an email notification right after approve. And in the doc, there is some missing point. We will update. Or better update with the full core, because this updates coming with a lot of improvement including performance and full withdraw system.

    Best regards



    I have installed 1.7 script.
    Thanks for adding the withdrawel system.

    When a public users inputs their email address under the paypal option i get the following error:

    2/2 QueryException in Connection.php line 647: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘id’ doesn’t have a default value (SQL: insert into withdrawal_preferences (default_withdrawal_account, paypal_email, bank_account_holders_name, bank_account_number, swift_code, bank_name_full, bank_branch_name, bank_branch_city, bank_branch_address, country_id, user_id, updated_at, created_at) values (paypal, [email protected], , , , , , , , , 9, 2017-07-26 09:19:33, 2017-07-26 09:19:33))

    1/2 PDOException in Connection.php line 449: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘id’ doesn’t have a default value


    This is maybe for your server issue, however, you can avoid it. Please follow the instruction.

    Open /root/config/database.php

    Go to line number 52 'strict' => true,

    This is strict mode to false, example 'strict' => false,

    This now should work.

    Best regards



    Thank you this has fixed the issue.

    However, now when a users submits a requests it doesnt reflect on admin dashboard….


    Could you please tell us a specific request, like submit campaign or registration, then we will look over here.

    Let us say thank you for your review, we also happy to know that, you liked it πŸ™‚

    Best regards



    Use case is user sees withddraw button and clicks that’s – new window appears and user confirms to submit withdrawal request.

    Admin has a new section to see he withdrawal requests submitted from users. However it doesn’t show any requests even after I submitted a few.

    Hope that helps.

    Yes thank you for support! πŸ™‚

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