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  • #386



    Email settings for classifieds

    Hi there, I have your classifieds script working nicely except I’m not sure how to set the email system to work properly. I need it to send registration confirmation emails which I have set to on in the settings but when I test it is says “Registration Success, we can’t sending you activation email during an email error, please contact with your admin”

    Obviously an email setup issue. Any help or documentation would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #393

    Hi Mobius1980

    Please look at this line Registration Success, we can’t send you activation email during an email error, please contact your admin

    Says here, user registration was the success, but the system can’t send email, because of no SMTP has been configured, or your SMTP credential was an error.

    Please ask your host to send you SMTP credential, and set this credential to .env file in your root directory.

    Hope then your email will work.

    Best regards

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