Home Forums GetFund – A Professional Laravel Crowdfunding Platform Unable to access admin dashboard after installation


  • #369



    Unable to access admin dashboard after installation

    I am unable to access admin backend signing off after installation. The browser displays

    Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

    Please can you let me know what might be wrong?

    2. I am unable to delete demo users.

    3. Unable to change demo login details to persernal info

    4. Most pages flag up Whoops, looks like something went wrong.


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  • #432

    Please follow this tricks.

    Open your /root/config/database.php

    find and replace 'strict' => true, with 'strict' => false,

    Let us know after change this. Though our end, we not seeing this issue.

    Best regards



    Thanks very much everthing seems to work fine now just one last question. I keep having a menu bar on my homepage of laravel how do we get this off our site please. And can we have info on how pledging can work without making payments please.



    I’m sorry that, I do not understand about how a donor can donate without placing payments? 🙁

    If you can provide your suggestion logically, we may update it.

    Best regards

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