Home Forums ThemeqxEstate – Laravel Real Estate Property Listing Portal Some issues after translation in French


  • #2227



    Some issues after translation in French

    Hello dears

    Script was correctly installed, but after translation, we note some issues:

    1. Some pages are not affected by the translations, for exemple when i clik to see more details about an ads, words like Apartment, Month, etc are not translated (even if ii added lines like ‘month’ = ‘Mois’ in app.php for french)
    URL: https://ndakofacile.com/ad/appartement-r2-a-kintambo

    2. Charactere encoding is not good done for some french accented

    Best regards

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  • #2230


    Thank you for the question. The words coming from the database is not able to translate till now, we’ve noted down this and help us to translate these.

    Please find the words and mark it to an image, so we will check that

    Best Regards

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