Home Forums LaraBid – A Laravel PHP Auction Platform Problem with upload image in all site

  • #1967



    Problem with upload image in all site

    Hello, i have a problem , i have website turismbooking.com/public and there have [email protected] and password 123456 , when i try modify an auction for edit or add image, have an error , i cant change image , i cant upload, , can hellp me for fixed please?

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  • #1970


    Please provide your cPanel login info in a private reply, we will check the issue.

    Best Regards


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    This reply has been marked as private and you are not authorised to see.

    Dear @catrineldana

    I’ve checked your server and uploading issue and seems you’ve done everything correctly, your photo is uploaded and working like a charm. I’ve checked the auction image, it shows.

    BTW: Now you may get clear idea that there was no issue from our product and coding, you had an issue, there may be fileinfo extension was not enabled, but you enabled and that’s great.

    You’ve placed a 4-star rating and now you know that actually there is no issue from us.

    It will be really great If you change your rating and make it 5-stars to encourage us.

    If you face any other issue, feel free let us know

    Best Regards

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