Home Forums HelpUs – Ultimate Crowdfunding Solution HelpUS. I can’t make it working! Please help!

  • #2390



    HelpUS. I can’t make it working! Please help!

    Hello. My domain where I uploaded script is donez.org. I don’t understand why is not working. Is not first time when I try to install it. Can somehone help? Thanks!

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  • #2391


    Anyone can answer me?!



    Thank you for your question, please provide your Website cPanel in a private question, So I can check and if need, I can re-install it.

    Best Regards


    This reply has been marked as private and you are not authorised to see.


    Thank you for your reply, I’ve checked and seems your hosting is not supporting mbstring package, please make sure from your hosting provider that below packages is installed and working, so HelpUs will be working well.

    PHP >= 7.1.3
    OpenSSL PHP Extension
    PDO PHP Extension
    Mbstring PHP Extension
    Tokenizer PHP Extension
    XML PHP Extension
    Ctype PHP Extension
    JSON PHP Extension
    BCMath PHP Extension

    Best Regards



    My provider added mbstring package , but .. same problem. Can you see now, where is problem ? Thank you!


    Thank you for your help.

    Please find your website live at http://donez.org/

    If you need any more help, feel free let us know.

    It will be great if you can place a 5-star rating at this product https://codecanyon.net/item/helpus-ultimate-crowdfunding-solution/22047466

    Best Regards



    Whoops, looks like something went wrong. / homepage
    error log showing this : [04-Feb-2019 17:09:16 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘?’ in /home/teamromr/donez.org/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php on line 242
    I don’t understand what is going on, because I use only settings and trying to make it work like I want.



    I think that .. the problem appear when I tried to delete some comments cause don’t let me delete.


    Please check your website, it’s caused you deleted feature campaign, however, it will not come again

    Best Regards

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