
  • #3426




    Please take a look at “Start a campaign” site. The form flows into the sidebar and covers it partially.
    This you can see also at your demo on CodeCanyon.

    In which file I can change the text for this:

    <h1 class=”section-title”>@lang(‘app.banner_main_header’)</h1>
    <p class=”jumbotron-sub-text”>@lang(‘app.banner_sub_header’)

    Didn’t found the file. Thought header.blade.php, but I think not.

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  • #3428


    The file located at resources/views/home.blade.php

    Best Regards



    You misunderstood me. Doesn’t matter. In the meantime I found all.
    But one thing more: if a person do an payment as bank transfer. It makes no sense that this person
    fill out all his bank data like Swift, Bank Adress, Bank branch and so on?
    What is the sense behind this? If a person is paying I will see all this on my account statement.
    I did remove this, but then after clicking “Pay” did nothing happens more.



    Where to deactivate debug modus? Don’t remember me anymore.



    You did not reply to this:
    Please take a look at “Start a campaign” site. The form flows into the sidebar and covers it partially.
    This you can see also at your demo on CodeCanyon.

    Facebook login not working



    Contact form not working. Where are the email settings?



    You need to setup facebook app and config to this application in order to use Facebook Login
    Please place SMTP configuration at .env file, so e-mail will start working.

    Best Regards



    Please reply to all my questions:

    Where to deactivate debug modus?

    Please take a look at “Start a campaign” site. The form flows into the sidebar and covers it partially.
    This you can see also at your demo on CodeCanyon.


    To check your sidebar, please provide your website URL.

    turn off debug mode from .env file, set APP_DEBUG=false

    Best Regards


    This reply has been marked as private and you are not authorised to see.

    Those lines are not a solution to remove countries, please remove unnecessary countries form the DB.

    2. for goal optional, you need to remove it from validation and from the few others specific areas.

    For others any customizations, it’s really tough to provide line by line support for your customization, please hire a laravel developer to get done exactly what you want.

    However, as per envato terms, we provide supports for the features that we mentioned, if facing any error and applications stopped working. It’s really tough to provide line by line for your customization.

    Best Regards


    This reply has been marked as private and you are not authorised to see.

    This reply has been marked as private and you are not authorised to see.

    This reply has been marked as private and you are not authorised to see.


    To bring back menu button, add below css.

    .navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #ddd;
    .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
    background-color: #888;

    It’s working fine on our demo, I don’t know why it’s missing to your server.

    To remove Login with social or Email
    go to resources/views/auth/login.blade.php
    remove .panel-heading div

    Backers mean individual man, if three payments come from one person, then it will count as 1 backer

    Best Regards



    1. Menu button is back. Thanks.

    2. Login I’ve removed. Thanks.

    3. With the backers you’re wrong. Something isn’t work there fluently. After a while I’ve got indeed displayed 3 backers. But now, for testing purposes, I removed the payments and there’s to see the following message: There’re are no backers. But the number 3 on the tab is still there.

    4. For withdraw: Due to your very rudimentary documentation it was not clear how withdraw works. For me it was absolutely clear that campaign owners can withdraw money whenever they want or need money to go ahead with a project.

    5. The really most important thing: email notifications, email notifications and email notifications.
    Please implent this!


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