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  • #367



    Error when placing category search on all pages

    Hi there, I am trying to insert (copying from original) a search box using the input field and the category lines on all pages, this works fine on listing page but throws errors every time I use it on any other page. Just wondering if there are any tricks for getting the categories in other pages?

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  • #373


    Please provide your URL here. we will check.

    Best regards



    Hello, sorry I only have it as a local installation at present. I simply copied the search form from the index.blade and pasted it in my header.balde which then throws errors on every single page.

    It seems I am missing an important piece of information to make this work


    Ok, then you need to pass this category variable to all of the pages, though we’ve used some global variable to access them from all of the view pages.

    This is the code $top_categories = Category::whereCategoryId(0)->orderBy('category_name', 'asc')->get(); look at controller. you need make it for global accessible.

    If you are a developer, then you will understand. I’m giving you a piece of code.

    At file root/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

    Delete below code from line 53 to 63

    view()->composer('*', function ($view) {
                    $header_menu_pages = Post::whereStatus('1')->where('show_in_header_menu', '1')->get();
                    $show_in_footer_menu = Post::whereStatus('1')->where('show_in_footer_menu', '1')->get();
                    $enable_monetize = get_option('enable_monetize');
                    $loggedUser = null;
                    if (Auth::check()) {
                        $loggedUser = Auth::user();
                    $view->with(['lUser' => $loggedUser, 'enable_monetize' => $enable_monetize, 'header_menu_pages' => $header_menu_pages, 'show_in_footer_menu' => $show_in_footer_menu]);

    Add below code right that place

    view()->composer('*', function ($view) {
                    $header_menu_pages = Post::whereStatus('1')->where('show_in_header_menu', '1')->get();
                    $show_in_footer_menu = Post::whereStatus('1')->where('show_in_footer_menu', '1')->get();
            $top_categories = Category::whereCategoryId(0)->orderBy('category_name', 'asc')->get();
                    $enable_monetize = get_option('enable_monetize');
                    $loggedUser = null;
                    if (Auth::check()) {
                        $loggedUser = Auth::user();
                    $view->with(['lUser' => $loggedUser, 'enable_monetize' => $enable_monetize, 'top_categories' => $top_categories, 'header_menu_pages' => $header_menu_pages, 'show_in_footer_menu' => $show_in_footer_menu]);

    That’s it, this should now work

    Best regards


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    I’ve placed a customized code only for you, you can now call categories to any pages without getting any errors 🙂

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    Best regards

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