Home Forums Teachify LMS error 500 when uplode logo

  • #3702



    error 500 when uplode logo

    Why my post on the forum deleted ??!!
    i have problem when logo changes the following error appears 500 server error (( https://imgur.com/a/LH3974f ))
    iā€™m waiting for a response more than 4 days,
    but without an answer you have very bad support

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  • #3726


    Did you changed anything on the route.php file? a parameter is missing from the route.

    Replace route.php with the original route file and let us know if the issue still exists.

    Best Regards



    Make sure you chmod 777 your folder Storage, public/storage, bootstrap/cache. And dont delete demo account.

    From What I can see, you may missing about us, term of use and privacy pages. Make sure to create these page in the admin.

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