Home Forums oClassifieds – PHP and Laravel Geo Classified ads cms please install for me i have uploaded the files to the public folders Reply To: please install for me i have uploaded the files to the public folders



For the image upload, please make sure your server is enabled fileinfo extension, you can ask your hosting provider to enable it. So image upload will work.

Below point, you have to customize that you listed point, we are unable to make it for a specific country only.

2- i want to use it for only nigeria but its still showing all counties
4- is it possible to change theme colour to #149c82
5- does it have any place to change or input discription foe seo or change homepage search background image?
6- can we limit number of image users can upload ?
7- you can add make ad premium or urgent or highlight on user profile
8- please add african payment gateway PAYSTACK its 100% free no setup fees my country don’t accept paypal or the other one
i think this is all i have noticed for now please help me check especially the country issue I want it to be for Nigeria only for now

It will be automatically served your country, to remove country icon link, please remove it from /root/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php

remove below code

                        <li><a href="{{route('countries')}}" title="{{$current_country['country_name']}}"><img src="{{asset('assets/flags/16/'.strtolower($current_country['country_code']).'.png')}}" /> </a></li>
                        <li><a href="{{route('countries')}}"  title="{{$current_country['country_name']}}">{{$current_country['country_code']}} </a></li>

For implement favicon, please follow below instruction

Add it to /root/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php on line 13

<link rel=icon href="http://yourdomain.com/favicon.png" />

Best regards