ok…i got the banner stuff done.THANK YOU …..but im stuck on this….
this is my path for my replacement for the pic of lock for fa fa-lock
//////https://www.plzfundus.com/icon/images/secure.png” width=”32″ height=”32″
Why Choose Us………secure, flexible, Easy, Supports text and icon
how do i make that show my pic of lock…
///<div class=”row”>
/// <div class=”col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12″>
/// <div class=”why-choose-us-box”>
/// <div class=”icon”>
/// <i class=”fa fa-lock”></i>
///<div class=”title”>
/// <h4>@lang(‘app.secure’)</h4>
/// </div>
/// <div class=”desc”>
/// <p>@lang(‘app.secure_desc’)</p>
/// </div>