Seriously man? you’ve edited core framework file? OMG 🙁
I’ve spent 2 hours just for finding why the image is not loading, although everything works fine and uploaded, but you have hard coded your framework.
Also, installation did not go the right way? you could be asked us for installation support for free.
You’ve modified below functions located at /root/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php
which is a core framework file and never should touch 🙁
function asset($path, $secure = null)
return app('url')->asset('public/'.$path, $secure);
BTW: I’ve fixed it, and I don’t know if others place you did like this.
And the things is that, for your mistake, you have placed us 1-star rating which is really pathetic for us, We requesting you to please change your rating it will be great if you place a good rating.
Best Regards