Home Forums LaraBid – A Laravel PHP Auction Platform AdBlock blocking page content Reply To: AdBlock blocking page content



Thank you for noticing us this issue, we’ve already updated it to our core, you can download the latest version after 30 mins from CodeCanyon.

Or you can fix this by following below instruction.

Open /root/resources/views/single_ad.blade.php

At Line number 60, change <div class="single-ad-wrap"> to <div class="single-auction-wrap">
At line number 84, change <div class="ad-img-video-wrap"> to <div class="auction-img-video-wrap">

At file /root/source/public/assets/css/style.css line number 810


.single-ad-wrap {
    margin-top: 20px;


.single-auction-wrap {
    margin-top: 20px;

Best regards