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  • #3416



    my order doesn\'t show up on your site

    Product : Adified – Premium PHP Classified Application
    IP Address:
    city : Katy
    state : Texas
    country : United States
    currency_code : USD

    I bought an installed — but my order doesn’t show up on your site and I want to check on my free upgrades and how to do

    From URL: https://www.themeqx.com/contact-us

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  • #3420


    The purchased file you will get on the Codecanyon server, please log in to your account at codecanyon to get the updated file.

    Best Regards



    I got the file from codecanyon, but gives no clue on what version it is. I opened the php file to see if y’all at least commented the version somewhere, and you don’t.

    I looked for any instructions on how to upgrade – but nope don’t see any. How do I upgrade? Is there any script? Are there any instructions?

    I read the read me file and it talks about ver 4.0 & 4.1, but nothing about the 5.0 you claim to be the most current version.

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